
NullReferenceException When Clicking a Task in Workflow Designer

The other day I was designing a Workflow (Workflow Manager technology) in Visual Studio 2012 when I stumbled upon on an exception when clicking on a SingleTask activity in Workflow Designer within Visual Studio. When I first click on a task I get "Communicating with SharePoint" dialog:

After Visual Studio establishes communication with SharePoint I end up with the following dialog:

Full exception stack trace is as follows:
Workflow Designer
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Server stack trace:
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.Designers.List.ModelAccess.SharePointSolutionModelStorage.GetAllFiles(ISharePointProject project)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.Designers.List.ModelAccess.SharePointSolutionModelStorage.Refresh(ISharePointProject project)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.Designers.List.ModelAccess.SharePointCompositeModelStorage.RefreshProjectModels()
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.WorkflowDesignerSupport.ListInfoService.GetContentTypes(String BaseTypeId)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.WorkflowExtensions.SharePointListService.<GetWorkflowTaskContentTypes>b__10(IListInfoService service)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.WorkflowExtensions.SharePointListService.ConvertValues(Func`2 producer)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.WorkflowExtensions.SharePointListService.GetWorkflowTaskContentTypes()
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr md, Object[] args, Object server, Object[]& outArgs)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg)

Exception rethrown at [0]:
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.DesignTime.Activities.Design.Services.ISharePointListService.GetWorkflowTaskContentTypes()
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.DesignTime.Activities.Design.ContentTypesProvider.ProvideItems(ISharePointListService service)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.DesignTime.Activities.Design.IndependentDataProvider`1.GetItems(ModelItem owner, PropertyValue propertyValue)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.DesignTime.Activities.Design.SharePointItemChooserViewModel`1.GetItems(ModelItem Owner, PropertyValue PropertyValue)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.DesignTime.Activities.Design.ChooserViewModel`1.PopulateItems()
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.DesignTime.Activities.Design.GenericChooser`2.SharePointBaseChooser_Loaded(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
   at System.Windows.RouteItem.InvokeHandler(RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
   at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
   at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlers(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args)
   at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
   at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.BroadcastEventHelper.BroadcastEvent(DependencyObject root, RoutedEvent routedEvent)
   at System.Windows.BroadcastEventHelper.BroadcastLoadedEvent(Object root)
   at MS.Internal.LoadedOrUnloadedOperation.DoWork()
   at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.FireLoadedPendingCallbacks()
   at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.FireInvokeOnRenderCallbacks()
   at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandlerCore(Object resizedCompositionTarget)
   at System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.RenderMessageHandler(Object resizedCompositionTarget)
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
   at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

After a long debugging session of Workflow Designer I realized that my colleague accidentally deleted Package folder from SharePoint App project. I pulled the latest version and I didn't notice that folder was missing. When I restored the folder, Workflow Designer didn't throw any exceptions any more.


Running a Project with Workflow in Provider-Hosted Add-In

While trying to run (F5 in Visual Studio) add-in project of provider-hosted add-in containing workflow I got this error in output window:

System.FormatException: RestrictAssociationToId   
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.DGWorkflowDeploymentProvider.PublishOrUpdateDefinitions(WorkflowServicesManager proxy, WorkflowDeploymentService deploymentService, Dictionary`2 oldDefinitionIdMap, Dictionary`2 newDefinitionIdMap, Dictionary`2 listIdDictionary)   
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.DGWorkflowDeploymentProvider.DeployOrUpgrade(WorkflowScopeIdentifier scopeId, SPWorkflowPart oldParts, SPWorkflowPart newParts, Dictionary`2 listIdDictionary)   
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.DGWorkflowDeploymentProvider.Deploy(WorkflowScopeIdentifier scopeId, SPWorkflowPart parts, Dictionary`2 listIdDictionary) StackTrace:
 at Microsoft.Office.Server.Native.dll: (sig=678c0f87-966f-4d99-9c94-b49e788d2672|2|microsoft.office.server.native.pdb, offset=131CE)
 at Microsoft.Office.Server.Native.dll: (offset=21BE5)

Turns out I didn't include target list and history list in the app feature. This caused aforementioned error while trying to deploy workflow during "Activate features" stage. As soon as I included the lists in the feature everything went ok.



Updating Workflow Definitions Without Terminating Current Instances

I haven't seen anywhere a good tutorial on how to update a workflow definition without terminating currently running instances on SharePoint 2013 Workflow Manager platform so this post is my contribution to the community. The goal of this post is to enable the following series of steps:
  1. Update workflow definition XAMLs (for example from version 1 to version 2).
  2. Allow currently running instances of workflow to finish running the version 1 of the workflow.
  3. New instances of workflow will run version 2 of the workflow. Version 1 of the workflow shouldn't be allowed to run any more.
Let's suppose you've created an empty SharePoint project in Visual Studio and you add a workflow to it. This workflow consists of one SingleTask activity. You run your workflow which consists of single task activity and now your workflow instance is blocking and waiting for this task to end. Now, let's suppose you add WriteToHistory activity to your workflow in Visual Studio. You leave workflow property Deployment Conflict Resolution on Automatic value and deploy your new version of the workflow using Visual Studio. You will see that running instance of the workflow gets terminated. If you change Deployment Conflict Resolution to None workflow definition will not get updated. If you try to deploy your WSP using PowerShell scripts (Add-SPSolution, Install-SPSolution, Enable-SPFeature, ...) the result will be the same, i.e. workflow definition will not get updated.

There are some examples on how to update Workflow Manager workflows on MSDN but these examples are strictly tied to Workflow Manager platform, not Workflow Manager in combination with SharePoint 2013. My solution is based on aforementioned MSDN article but it is adapted to SharePoint 2013.

Prerequisite for my solution is at least one deploy of the workflow using either Visual Studio deploy or using PowerShell scripts. Workflow needs to be deployed as a part of the feature only first time.

For part 1 of this post I will demonstrate how to publish new versions of workflow using console application. I also presume you are developing on development box with Visual Studio installed. In part 2 I will focus on packaging the deployment in feature receiver.
  1. Create new console application (.NET 4.5) project
  2. Add the following references to the project (not all are needed, but I didn't filter out unneeded references):
  3. Add WorkflowManagementClientExtensions class to the project:
    // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    using Microsoft.Activities;
    using Microsoft.Activities.Messaging;
    using Microsoft.Workflow.Client;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Threading;
    namespace Microsoft.Workflow.Samples.Common
        public static class WorkflowManagementClientExtensions
            public static void PublishActivity(this WorkflowManagementClient client, string name, string xamlFilePath)
                    new ActivityDescription(WorkflowUtils.Translate(xamlFilePath))
                        Name = name
            public static void PublishWorkflow(this WorkflowManagementClient client, string workflowName, string xamlFilePath, SubscriptionFilter activationFilter = null)
                PublishWorkflow(client, workflowName, xamlFilePath, null, null, activationFilter);
            public static void PublishWorkflow(this WorkflowManagementClient client, string workflowName, string xamlFilePath, Collection<ExternalVariable> externalVariables, SubscriptionFilter activationFilter = null)
                PublishWorkflow(client, workflowName, xamlFilePath, externalVariables, null, activationFilter);
            public static void PublishWorkflow(this WorkflowManagementClient client, string workflowName, string xamlFilePath, IDictionary<string, string> configValues, SubscriptionFilter activationFilter = null)
                PublishWorkflow(client, workflowName, xamlFilePath, null, configValues, activationFilter);
            public static void PublishWorkflow(this WorkflowManagementClient client, string workflowName, string xamlFilePath, Collection<ExternalVariable> externalVariables, IDictionary<string, string> configValues, SubscriptionFilter activationFilter = null)
                // publish the activity description related with the workflow
                    new ActivityDescription(WorkflowUtils.Translate(xamlFilePath)) { Name = workflowName });
                // now, publish the workflow description
                WorkflowDescription description = new WorkflowDescription
                    Name = workflowName,
                    ActivityPath = workflowName,
                // add external variables
                if (externalVariables != null)
                        .ForEach(ev => description.ExternalVariables.Add(ev));
                // add config
                if (configValues != null)
                    description.Configuration = new WorkflowConfiguration();
                        .ForEach(c => description.Configuration.AppSettings.Add(c));
                // add activation filter
                if (activationFilter != null)
                    description.ActivationDescription = new SubscriptionActivationDescription
                        Filter = activationFilter
                // publish!
            public static void CleanUp(this WorkflowManagementClient client)
            public static string WaitForWorkflowCompletion(this WorkflowManagementClient client, string workflowName, string instanceId, int pollingInterval = 0)
                string currentStatus = string.Empty;
                string lastStatus = string.Empty;
                WorkflowInstanceInfo instanceInfo = client.Instances.Get(workflowName, instanceId);
                while (true)
                    instanceInfo = client.Instances.Get(workflowName, instanceId);
                    currentStatus = instanceInfo.UserStatus;
                    if (currentStatus != lastStatus && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentStatus))
                        Console.Write("   Current Status: ");
                        WorkflowUtils.Print(currentStatus, ConsoleColor.Cyan);
                        lastStatus = currentStatus;
                    if (instanceInfo.WorkflowStatus == WorkflowInstanceStatus.Started || instanceInfo.WorkflowStatus == WorkflowInstanceStatus.NotStarted)
                    if (instanceInfo.WorkflowStatus == WorkflowInstanceStatus.Completed)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nWorkflow instance completed");
                return instanceInfo.UserStatus;
  4. Add WorkflowUtils class to the project. Notice that Translate method is loading assembly from Visual Studio PublicAssemblies folder:
    // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    using System;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Xaml;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    using Microsoft.Activities.Design.ExpressionTranslation;
    using Microsoft.Workflow.Client;
    using System.Reflection;
    namespace Microsoft.Workflow.Samples.Common
        public class WorkflowUtils
            public static WorkflowManagementClient CreateForSample(string rootScope, string scopeName)
                var rootClient = new WorkflowManagementClient(new Uri(rootScope));
                return rootClient.CurrentScope.PublishChildScope(scopeName,
                    new ScopeDescription()
                        UserComments = string.Format("For {0} sample only", scopeName)
            public static XElement Translate(string xamlFile)
                string translatedWorkflowString = null;
                Assembly wfAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies\Microsoft.SharePoint.DesignTime.Activities.dll");
                XamlXmlReaderSettings settings = new XamlXmlReaderSettings();
                settings.LocalAssembly = wfAssembly;
                using (XamlReader xamlReader = new XamlXmlReader(xamlFile, settings))
                    TranslationResults result = ExpressionTranslator.Translate(xamlReader);
                    if (result.Errors.Count == 0)
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                        using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(sb, new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true, OmitXmlDeclaration = true }))
                            using (XamlXmlWriter writer = new XamlXmlWriter(xmlWriter, result.Output.SchemaContext))
                                XamlServices.Transform(result.Output, writer);
                        translatedWorkflowString = sb.ToString();
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Translation errors");
                return XElement.Parse(translatedWorkflowString);
            public static void PrintDone()
                Print("[Done]", ConsoleColor.Green);
            public static void Print(string message, ConsoleColor color)
                ConsoleColor currentColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
                Console.ForegroundColor = color;
                Console.ForegroundColor = currentColor;
  5. Now you need to find out the GUID of the module which was used in deploying workflow (prerequisite). This GUID is located in the Module element, Url attribute in Elements.xml file in workflow folder. For example, in Elements.xml file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
      <Module Name="Workflow1" Url="wfsvc/86c7e42d4fe14b839d55fcbb6dde7b9c">
        <File Url="Workflow.xaml" Type="GhostableInLibrary" Path="Workflow1\Workflow.xaml" DoGUIDFixUp="TRUE">
          <Property Name="ContentType" Value="WorkflowServiceDefinition" />
          <Property Name="isReusable" Value="true" />
          <Property Name="RequiresInitiationForm" Value="False" />
          <Property Name="RequiresAssociationForm" Value="False" />
          <Property Name="WSPublishState" Value="3" />
          <Property Name="WSDisplayName" Value="Workflow1" />
          <Property Name="WSDescription" Value="My 'Workflow1' Workflow" />
          <!-- If you change the name or Url of your custom initiation or association form, 
               remember to update the corresponding property value (InitiationUrl or AssociationUrl) to match the new web relative url.
          <Property Name="RestrictToType" Value="List" />
          <Property Name="RestrictToScope" Value="{$ListId:Shared Documents;}" />
        <File Url="WorkflowStartAssociation" Path="Workflow1\WorkflowStartAssociation" Type="GhostableInLibrary">
          <Property Name="WSDisplayName" Value="Workflow1 - Workflow Start" />
          <Property Name="ContentType" Value="WorkflowServiceSubscription" />
          <Property Name="WSPublishState" Value="3" />
          <Property Name="WSEventType" Value="WorkflowStart" />
          <Property Name="WSEnabled" Value="true" />
          <Property Name="WSGUID" Value="19cbf8a6-4af8-462c-b014-c8d7c0e327c1" />
          <Property Name="WSEventSourceGUID" Value="{$ListId:Shared Documents;}" />
          <Property Name="Microsoft.SharePoint.ActivationProperties.ListId" Value="{$ListId:Shared Documents;}" />
          <Property Name="HistoryListId" Value="{$ListId:Lists/WorkflowHistoryList;}" />
          <Property Name="TaskListId" Value="{$ListId:Lists/WorkflowTaskList;}" />
      <ListInstance FeatureId="{2c63df2b-ceab-42c6-aeff-b3968162d4b1}"
                    Description="This list instance is used by SharePoint to keep track of workflows. Do not modify."
                    RootWebOnly="FALSE" />

    this GUID is 86c7e42d4fe14b839d55fcbb6dde7b9c. Remember this GUID, you will need it in the following step.
  6. Now you need to query workflow resource management database to find out the scope path of your workflow. If you left database name with default value during configuration of workflow farm, this query should get you the scope path (replace the GUID in query with GUID from the previous step):
    SELECT [Path]
    FROM [WFResourceManagementDB].[dbo].[Scopes] s
        join [WFResourceManagementDB].[dbo].[Activities] a on s.ScopeId = a.ScopeId
    where a.Name = 'WorkflowXaml_86c7e42d_4fe1_4b83_9d55_fcbb6dde7b9c'
  7. Now it's time to change x:Class attribute in the workflow.xaml file. Last token in the attribute should contain GUID from step 5. For example: x:Class="In2.Ilas.Sp.Ecase.PukWf.WorkflowXaml_ed00d3bd_4796_41ba_b288_35ce2226f89a"
  8. Finally, console application should have the following code (replace the path from step 6 and workflow name from step 5):
    using Microsoft.SharePoint;
    using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
    using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.WorkflowServices;
    using Microsoft.Workflow.Client;
    using Microsoft.Workflow.Samples.Common;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Linq;
    namespace ConsoleApplication1
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                WorkflowManagementClient client = new WorkflowManagementClient("http://zg-sp2013-02:12291/SharePoint/default/030e8465-c66c-4f9f-83af-e64d5a4a799b/61aa1fff-103e-49c8-bc56-395c27ca7f81");
                client.Activities.Publish(new ActivityDescription(WorkflowUtils.Translate("Workflow.xaml")) { Name = "WorkflowXaml_ed00d3bd_4796_41ba_b288_35ce2226f89a" });
  9. Copy Workflow.xaml file to console application's folder.
  10. Run the application.
Now, old and already running instances will continue using old workflow definition while new instances will run using new workflow definition.

Complete solution is available for download.

List of types in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies\Microsoft.SharePoint.DesignTime.Activities.dll assembly:

namespace Microsoft.SharePoint.DesignTime.Activities
    public class AppOnlySequence : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class AtomicTaskItemUpdatedHelper : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class BuildSPListItemWebLink : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class BuildSPUri : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class Calc : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class CallHTTPWebService : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class CheckInItem : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class CheckOutItem : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class Comment : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class CompositeTask : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class CompositeTaskHelper : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class ConvertPropertiesForSPListItem : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class ConvertTimeZoneFromSPLocalToUtc : Activity<DateTime>, ISupportInitialize

    public class ConvertTimeZoneFromUtcToSPLocal : Activity<DateTime>, ISupportInitialize

    public class CopyItem : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class CreatedBy : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class CreatedInRange : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class CreateListItem : Activity<Guid>, ISupportInitialize

    public class DateInterval : Activity<double>, ISupportInitialize

    public class DefaultRetryPolicy : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class DelayFor : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class DelayUntil : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class DeleteListItem : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class Email : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class ExpandGroupToUsers : Activity<Collection<string>>, ISupportInitialize

    public class ExpandInitFormUsers : Activity<Collection<string>>, ISupportInitialize

    public class ExtractSubstringFromEnd : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class ExtractSubstringFromIndex : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class ExtractSubstringFromIndexLength : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class ExtractSubstringFromStart : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class GenerateEmailDynamicValue : Activity<DynamicValue>, ISupportInitialize

    public class GetCurrentItemGuid : Activity<Guid>, ISupportInitialize

    public class GetCurrentItemId : Activity<int>, ISupportInitialize

    public class GetCurrentListId : Activity<Guid>, ISupportInitialize

    public class GetHistoryListId : Activity<Guid>, ISupportInitialize

    public class GetItemIdInCache : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class GetTaskListId : Activity<Guid>, ISupportInitialize

    public class IsNull : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class IsSPListItemPropertyLookupToDocsField : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class IsValidUser : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class JoinChoicesFromSPFieldMultiChoice : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class JoinIdOrValueFromSPFieldLookupMulti : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class JoinSiteUserInfoListPropertyFromSPFieldUserMulti : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class JoinSPPrincipalPropertyFromInitFormParamUserMulti : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPChoiceFieldIndex : Activity<int>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPField : Activity<DynamicValue>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPFields : Activity<DynamicValue>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPGroup : Activity<DynamicValue>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPGroupMembers : Activity<DynamicValue>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPList : Activity<DynamicValue>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPListItem : Activity<DynamicValue>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPListItemBooleanProperty : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPListItemDateTimeProperty : Activity<DateTime>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPListItemDoubleProperty : Activity<double>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPListItemDynamicValueProperty : Activity<DynamicValue>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPListItemGuid : Activity<Guid>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPListItemId : Activity<int>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPListItemInt32Property : Activity<int>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPListItemProperty : Activity<DynamicValue>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPListItemPropertyNameInREST : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPListItemSPFieldLookupMultiProperty : Activity<DynamicValue>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPListItemSPFieldLookupProperty : Activity<DynamicValue>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPListItemStringProperty : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPListProperty : Activity<DynamicValue>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPPrincipal : Activity<DynamicValue>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPPrincipalId : Activity<int>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPPrincipalProperty : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPTaskAssignedToDisplayName : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPTaskListItemAssignedTo : Activity<Collection<string>>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPUser : Activity<DynamicValue>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupSPUserProperty : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LookupWorkflowContextProperty : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class LoopNTimes : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class ModifiedBy : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class ModifiedInRange : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class RegisterForSharePointEvent : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class ReplaceEmailTokens : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class RetryForDurationPolicy : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class SetField : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class SetItemIdInCache : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class SetRelatedItem : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class SetTimeField : Activity<DateTime>, ISupportInitialize

    public class SetWorkflowStatus : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class SingleTask : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class TranslateDocument : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class UndoCheckOutItem : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class UpdateListItem : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class WaitForCustomEvent : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class WaitForFieldChange : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class WaitForItemEvent : Activity, ISupportInitialize

    public class WebUri : Activity<string>, ISupportInitialize

    public class WordsInTitle : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class WorkflowInterop : Activity<Guid>, ISupportInitialize

    public class WriteToHistory : Activity, ISupportInitialize

namespace Microsoft.SharePoint.DesignTime.Activities.Expressions
    public class ContainsStringIgnoreCase : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class IsEqualDate : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class IsEqualDateTime : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class IsEqualDynamicValue : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class IsEqualStringIgnoreCase : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class IsEqualUser : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class IsGreaterThanDateTime : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class IsGreaterThanOrEqualDateTime : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class IsLessThanDateTime : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class IsLessThanOrEqualDateTime : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

    public class MatchesString : Activity<bool>, ISupportInitialize

namespace XamlStaticHelperNamespace
    [GeneratedCode("XamlBuildTask", "")]
    internal class _XamlStaticHelper


Failed to load receiver assembly, System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies on Feature Receiver in SharePoint 2013

After breaking the deploy process by pressing CTRL+BREAK during Visual Studio 2012 deploy of SharePoint 2013 WSP I wasn't able to deploy my package any more. Deploy was failing with the message:

Failed to load receiver assembly...

After fiddling with Process Monitor and Fusion Log for a while I couldn't pinpoint why assembly couldn't be loaded. Assembly exists at appropriate location in GAC but my concern is that Visual Studio tries to access it few seconds before it is actually copied to GAC during deploy process. Aforementioned exception happens during feature activation phase of deploy process.

My solution to the problem was to change assembly version from to and build the SharePoint project. After that I I deleted feature receiver and added feature receiver again so that feature manifest XML file gets updated with correct version of feature receiver assembly.